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Monday, September 19, 2011


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Sam @ Parenthetical

Thank you for drawing the distinction between "negative" and "critical." I agree, those are different. Because I'm a contrary sort of person with a liberal arts education, I almost never write a wholly positive review. There is always *something* to criticize. My favorite reviews to write are the ones that make me figure out *how* to intelligently criticize something I took issue with.

That said, I sometimes post wholly positive reviews, but never wholly negative ones. The former is a boring review; the latter is a boring *book*. And I know which I prefer.


Sam, I was thinking specifically of you and a couple others when I was writing this. Your reviews are consistently helpful and insightful. And I'm with you - very rarely will I just utterly lambaste a book. Sometimes a picture book.

If you want a laugh...

Sam @ Parenthetical

Thanks. :) And I remember that review, actually. It would be fun to do a presentation of poorly thought out metaphors in children's books... or maybe this is an English class project?


God, how long have we been following each other? :)

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