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Wednesday, June 04, 2014


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Cool! Is this why I didn't see you Monday when I went to print some stuff at the library?


Yup! Recuperating!

Alex Villasante

Hey Paula!
I was one of those random line connections - we met while waiting on the signing line for Lane Smith and Bob Shea. Talking to you and (other) Paula was kind of my connections highlight as you are both so smart and funny. I've already picked up one of your MG reccs - UNDER THE EGG and am loving it. I'm also so glad I found your site. So. Many. Good. Books!


Alex you were one of my connection highlights too - that was a fun conversation, definitely meeting people like you is what makes those lines bearable!


"Here he talks about his love for pop-up books and Choose Your Own Adventure. Which should probably remind us not to give up on kids like that - they may have other gifts. "

YES. Thank you for saying this!!!

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